-Alberto with the win over Santino------> obvious and if its true he won't compete until Summerslam, less i will have to see of him.

- Thanks to Damien Sandow who deserves the push with his character for interrupting the nonsense between Brotus Clay and Vicky Guerrero.

-Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan in a Street Fight-----> by far the best match of the night

-Kofi vs. Titus------> More action from AW's mouth (Yo Momma! I'm just playin)

-Orton is back! Big Whoop. Stay off the Roids!

-Y2J & Christian vs. Ziggler & Miz-----> decent match, everyone did their part on the match.

-Tyson Kidd vs. Tensai----> glad they are pushing a young talent like Kidd and Albert needs to go back to Japan

-The only two things that were good about the Main Event was-----> The fans chanting Let's go Cena! Cena sucks and CM Punk ending a very slow paced match.

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